Monday, February 09, 2009

Keep Table Manners While Washing Your Hands

At restaurants, after dinner or lunch you have provided hand bowls for washing your hands. But many times, we have forgotten table manners. Many people never remember that there are some table manners are still available at the place. Let us move with me to know the special system, how to use hand bowls.

01. Do not pour all the fingers in the hand bowl.

02. Hand washing means not to rub the lemon or lemon extracts and spread the water on the table cover. Due to this stupid behavior, you are going show your etiquette in wrong manner to the person who is sitting just opposite you.

03. After taking out your hands from bowl never wash your lips (mouth) with the same hands or do not blow out your hands along with the water and spread out the drops on the table.

04. Just push wet hands-on paper napkin lightly. If you feel that you have never cleared your hands with the available water inside the bowl then move towards wash basin and by applying wash soap or washing liquid get your hand cleared.

05. If you feel that the water inside the bowl is too hot then just wait to get it ambient.

I think all these tips are worth saving one’s etiquette and even a good personality.

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