Showing posts with label Detox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Detox. Show all posts

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Detox with Sauerkraut

As we go through life, we accumulate toxins in our body. These can come from the foods we eat, the air we breathe, or even physically from our environment, and can include heavy metals such as lead (from paint) or mercury (from certain types of fish). Although your body has a good method for eliminating toxins, from time to time it may need a little extra help.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Detox with Cilantro

A diet detox is a diet that is planned to help a type of treatment that requires elimination of waste or toxic materials out of the body. Maintaining a toxin-free body may lead to good health.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Detox with Lemon

The Detox diet has become popular because of the benefits offered by it to us. Nowadays, people have become cautious about their health. Both men and women pay serious attention to maintaining their body weight at an optimal level to the best of their ability. We look for different dietary plans and exercises that help us reduce excess body fat. We do all this to keep ourselves healthy and fit. One of the dietary plans that have shown effective results in reducing excess body weight is the body Detox diet. It is part of my daily routine to start off by consuming a 16-ounce glass of purified water with the juice of half an organic lemon squeezed into it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Detox with Turmeric

When it comes to naturally cleansing your body some of the best ways to detox for weed are actually quite simple and easy to do.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Detox with Radishes

Recharge and reset your body with the proper nourishing foods and herbs to support its natural detoxification process.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

DETOX : Your Beauty Routine

Soothe Your Skin with the help of Detox. Spots can appear anywhere and if you have noticed some on your back or chest try Anti-Blemish Solutions Body Spray. If your hands soak up hand cream try an intensive treat.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Before Detox : Go To Bed Early - 3

During the treatment the ions are absorbed by the body cells and used to rebalance their natural state. The waste materials are then eliminated from the body in your urine.

Detox : Scrub Up and Repair Locks - 2

For a quick fix to glowing skin, use an all-over exfoliation. Treat yourself to a salt scrub, a blend of skin polishing dead sea salts. Or cheat at home and simply mix sea salt and cooking oil (do not try this if you have any broken skin).

Be a Water Baby:

While you are in the shower turn your bathroom into a hydrotherapy zone. Direct the shower head towards your body in upwards movements, reducing the pressure in sensitive areas. This is great for cellulite and for releasing tension around the shoulders. The colder the water the better.

Detox : Just Look Refined It Is Your Beauty Routine - 1

The party is over and it is time to clean up - starting with your body. Try these beauty tricks to start looking great

Get Dirty First:

For the ultimate detox and moisturizing treatment, have a body wrap at a salon. As well as being relaxing, it'll give skin an all-over moisture boost, help eliminate fluid retention and tackle cellulite. Try making a wrap at home. Smooth on the body mask and cocoon yourself in foil and pre-warmed towels, or better still, an electric blanket. Relax for 2 minutes, then shower it off.