Friday, October 25, 2013

Detox with Artichokes

The body needs to be clean from all toxins if it is going to be healthy. If it does become ill, it is often the cause of toxins in the body.
The body is prone to being overloaded with toxins. It therefore becomes a necessity to use the best body detox method to get rid of it. It is a matter of getting rid of all the negative elements that have entered the body.

The edible portions (base of the outer leaves and the heart) have long been eaten to support liver health. In his book, The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, Michael Murray states that artichokes “have a choleretic effect, meaning they promote the flow of bile and fat to and from the liver.” The role of bile is to emulsify fats and carry toxins and waste from the liver into the small intestine. Try adding one medium artichoke to your next salad. They also make a great snack or appetizer.

The artichokes detox diet is not difficult to follow when contrasted with most detox diet plans. The crux of this detox diet is to hydrate with lots of water in addition to eating only whole organic foods like whole grains, lean meats, fish, fruit, and vegetables. During your liver detox diet beets, artichokes, seaweed, radishes, turmeric, cabbage and broccoli are all particularly liver-healthy foods.

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