Sunday, August 09, 2009

Women's X Factor

Entrepreneurship has been a male-dominated phenomenon from the very early age, but time has changed the situation and brought women as today's most memorable and inspirational entrepreneurs.

The role of women is undergoing a radical transformation in the modern society. These days the woman is playing a vital role in socio-economic development of the country. A large number of industries have been identified where women entrepreneurs play important roles.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Before Detox : Go To Bed Early - 3

During the treatment the ions are absorbed by the body cells and used to rebalance their natural state. The waste materials are then eliminated from the body in your urine.

Detox : Scrub Up and Repair Locks - 2

For a quick fix to glowing skin, use an all-over exfoliation. Treat yourself to a salt scrub, a blend of skin polishing dead sea salts. Or cheat at home and simply mix sea salt and cooking oil (do not try this if you have any broken skin).

Be a Water Baby:

While you are in the shower turn your bathroom into a hydrotherapy zone. Direct the shower head towards your body in upwards movements, reducing the pressure in sensitive areas. This is great for cellulite and for releasing tension around the shoulders. The colder the water the better.